Sometimes You Just Get in the Mood

I hate tidying, except when I love it!

Today was one of those strange days where I could barely walk around my room for all the mess, and I knew it had to be dealt with. I knew it, but I didn’t do it, because I dreaded it. Then, when I started, I couldn’t stop. I’m pretty sure I tidied for at least two hours, moving from all the stuff scattered on my floor, to deep cleaning the drawers underneath my bed.

I threw out four bags of trash in the end, and I’m feeling a whole lot more organised. It is such a marvellous feeling, and when I’m done I always wonder why I didn’t start sooner. However, that concept alone is too big for this post and will have to be explored at a later date.

As I still haven’t gotten last week’s weekly roundup up, I’m thinking that I’ll just combine it with this week’s. Nothing much have happened anyway, so there really isn’t that much to tell. It just means that you’ll have to wait until Sunday.

Until then (or tomorrow, realistically), have a good day and take care!
